INFO 学生でも収益化!メンシプU開設で「お茶爆25」が期間限定で登場🍵✨ EVENT 歌声を聴かせて🎤ゲスト審査員:七海うららさん 【歌い手フェス】6/23まで応募受付中!

Hello! こんにちは!

Hello! こんにちは!

im sorry everyone i think i want to stop making live broadcasting.. so everyone who came thank you very much for coming (◍︎ ´꒳` ◍︎)b i also love have friends like rabbit, cuppa, aini, nana, sora and more! i am really appreciate it ٩(„❛ ֊ ❛„)ハイッ so everyone please have a nice sunshine day! i hope when i making livestreaming that can make you happy! p.s im stopping making live cuz i want to feel more social wwww

                                                          sincerely, mia/ミア
