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【北堀江的大忘年ノススメ】DAY 2

Video will not be published (Available Period: until 1/4/2023 (Wed) 23:59 JST)


12/29 北堀江club vijon

AVALANCHE / アンティータ / EVE OF THE LAIN / electric scooter /
speel plaats / 白石亮太(the satellites) / and near... 《FOOD》snazzy curry

17:00 / 17:30

ADV/DOOR ¥2,000 / ¥2,500 別途Drink代¥600
2DAYS ¥3,000 twitcasting¥1,500


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【北堀江的大忘年ノススメ】DAY 2 1,500 JPY(tax included) more

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