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c:secret2510 キャス

  • レベル 1
  • サポーター 5
☆ of the world    Watching
Comedian distributor Psychic, comedy, events, chatting people who are delivering various!! Everyone's listeners are all good friends!
If you are interesting and want to come back, please give me 3 points

☆ Suzu-san
The partner of Watching
Comedian distributor It is so funny that I recommend you as well as a straw People Three if you like If you are interesting and want to come back, please give me 3 points


A favorite person who loves me like an elder sister。A beautiful woman delivering by herself。Wanted for talent fortune telling for wanting divination
Those who are fluffy please go to my sister's frame♡

☠Game distribution look good! ! I'm playing games. Human wolf, PUGP, Wilderness, fifth personality

Other ...... Reading. musics. comedy. karaoke. I like Disney relationship.